Thursday, October 16, 2008


Lokakuun alkupäivinä olemme saaneet ihailla kaunista ruskaa; tänä syksynä jopa pajut ovat kauniin keltaisia - koivuista puhumattakaan. Tässä muutamia lokakuisia otoksiani, suurin osa kotipihaltamme:

Koivuja aamuauringossa

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


There are several wild roses growing in our yard. They're called Dogrose in English - but in Finnish Slaverose. Don't know why, but in my eyes these roses are very special, beautiful in their own way.
Now the flowers are out - one after another - and they are attracting - beside me - many insects.

When I've been photogrpahing them, I've found very rich life on the blossoms!
Here some examples;

Cetonia Aurata:

Hover Flies:

Bumbble Bees:

...And unknown little insects:

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Insects of Winter

Never before do I remember having seen flies in February as today:

Friday, February 1, 2008

White February?

Wednesday afternoon: snow at last! This photo I took though my window, cause out of doors ot was so wet I didn't want to go there at all:

And now, when the January turned into February it's sleeting again - and storming, too. But the new snow seems to smelt away... so - it may be, we'll have even a green February - (here in the South-Western Finland.)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kissakuvahaaste 53: YKSITYISKOHTA

Laitan Kissakuvahaasteen poikkeuksellisesti tänne Bloggeriin, koska Suntuubissa on jokin käyttökatkos.
Tämän kertainen haastesana on siis YKSITYISKOHTA.

Me valitsimme monista houkuttelevista vaihtoehdoista hännän, koska se on aivan samanlainen kummallakin veljeksellä - sekä Windyllä että Sipsulla... ja koska olen aina ihaillut ja kunnioittanut kisujen häntiä; niissä kun on jotain pelottavan kaunista!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008